What if you could stop underperforming and start living the masterful life you know you’re capable of?
Hi, I’m Shannon.
An influential spiritual teacher and mentor that has transformed thousands of lives over the past twenty years. Through my self-healing journey, I realized the cosmic truth that personal trauma can strengthen and awaken your higher power. The gift of insight, healing, and empowerment have all emerged from within, and I want to show you how you can do the same.
Wherever you are going, there is someone whose been there before you and someone who will come after you.
Working with an experienced mentor sidesteps years of trial and error to get through the confusion gently, and land in your love gracefully.
Leadership for Yoga Teachers
I teach yoga teachers how to evolve beyond the studio, share their message, and lead communities not just classes.
Rituals for Self Mastery
Integrate, empower, awaken. Embody the wakened state that comes from living the work. In this program I teach everything from boundaries to daily practices to maximize performance.
Finding the right support is critical to your evolution.
I have been blessed to be Shannon’s teacher, student, and friend all concurrently for the entirety of twenty years. She is exemplary in all three roles. As a student, Shannon uses each aspect of my teaching as a catalyst to research, explore, study, question and land someplace uniquely hers’. As an inward seeker and student of life, Shannon is adamantly courageous making her an excellent teacher for me. For her beginning students, and all the way up to her highly accomplished yoga therapist students, Shannon teaches with depth, science, spirit, and a heart opening humor like no other.
Start living your yoga.